
Nov 3, 2021
EEOC Provides Internal Religious Accommodation Form for Vaccination Exemption Requests
Employees must tell their employer if they are requesting an exception to a COVID-19 vaccination requirement because of a conflict...

Oct 15, 2021
Introducing our Connecticut Paid FMLA Compliance Webinar Series
Leave rights under Connecticut’s sweeping Paid Family and Medical Leave Act (PFMLA) take effect on January 1, 2022. Affecting every...

Oct 1, 2021
Reminder for Employers on New Laws Set to Take Effect on October 1st
The Connecticut legislature passed a slew of new laws in 2021, many of which affect employers in the state. Organizations will likely...

Sep 10, 2021
9.10.21 - New Vaccine Mandate Awaits OSHA Regs
Private sector companies with 100 or more employees will have to require employee vaccinations or mandatory weekly testing, the President...

Sep 8, 2021
Deadline Approaching for COBRA Subsidy Final Notice
COBRA subsidies under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) are set to expire on September 30th. Plan administrators must...

Aug 11, 2021
Employer Survey Results: Returning to Work Amid Pandemic and Vaccination issues
With Labor Day approaching and given the current resurgence of COVID-19 outbreaks, employers are facing tough decisions on whether to...

Aug 1, 2021
Legislative Session Closes with Employment Laws Hidden in CT Budget Bill
Editor’s Note: The firm’s Annual Legislative Update will be held on September 14, 2021. Early registrations can be made by contacting...

Jul 15, 2021
Connecticut Legislature Expands Payrate Disclosure Law
Expanding on the 2015 Connecticut law which enables employees to freely discuss their payrates, the Connecticut General Assembly passed...

Jun 1, 2021
EEOC - Employers May Limit Workplace to Fully Vaccinated Employees Only, Subject to Accommodations
Employers may require employees to be fully vaccinated as a condition of entering the workplace, new guidance from the federal Equal...