When Christmas Day and New Year’s Day fall on consecutive weekends, employers often have difficulty deciding on whether/when to provide holiday pay, especially when the organization is typically closed on weekends throughout the year.
According to our annual Holiday Survey, the first workday after each holiday is the day off for most companies. Two thirds of our respondents will be having a holiday party, with alcohol being taboo at a third of those parties. Our thanks to all the companies that submitted responses and provided comments.
Here are the full results:
(1) Which days will your company be closed for Thanksgiving? Please check all that apply.
Day before Thanksgiving (Wed., Nov. 23rd) – Half Day: 18%
Day before Thanksgiving (Wed., Nov. 23rd) – Full Day: 8%
Thanksgiving Day (Thurs., Nov. 24th): 100%
Day after Thanksgiving (Fri., Nov. 25th): 62%
Employees are Paid for Day(s) Company is Closed: 67%
Employees are Not Paid for Days Company is Closed: 0%
Respondent Comments:
Employees working over 90 days and full-time (36 or more hours per week) will be paid for the holidays.
Seasonal employees are not paid for the holidays.
Close at 1:00 p.m. day after Thanksgiving in accordance with NYSE.
Day before Thanksgiving to close at regular time, no overtime.
Our call center handling open enrollment is open the day after Thanksgiving. The rest of the company is closed.
Full-time employees are paid. Employees that are required to work are paid double-time.
(2) Which days will your Company be closed for Christmas? Please check all that apply.
Friday, Dec. 23rd – Half Day: 18%
Friday, Dec. 23rd – Full Day: 26%
Christmas Eve (Sat., Dec. 24th) - Half Day: 3%
Christmas Eve (Sat., Dec. 24th) - Full Day: 26%
Christmas Day (Sun., Dec. 25th): 46%
Monday, Dec. 26th: 74%
Tuesday, Dec. 27th: 10%
Wednesday, Dec. 28th: 5%
Employees are Paid for Day(s) Company is Closed: 64%
Employees are Not Paid for Day(s) Company is Closed: 3%
Respondent Comments:
Friday Dec. 23rd, employees are let out early, most likely a couple of hours, and are paid for that time.
We are open M-F, no weekends.
We only get Christmas eve off if it falls on a Monday - Thursday.
We are open 7 days / week. We only close for the actual holiday.
Sat 12/24 is not a scheduled workday for us, and people are not paid.
We have off Thursday, Dec. 29th.
(3) Which days will your Company be closed for New Year’s? Please check all that apply.
Friday, Dec. 3oth – Half Day: 15%
Friday, Dec. 30th– Full Day: 23%
New Year’s Eve (Sat., Dec. 31st) – Half Day: 0%
New Year’s Eve (Sat., Dec. 31st) – Full Day: 26%
New Year’s Day (Sun., Jan. 1st): 39%
Monday, Jan. 2, 2023 – Half Day: 10%
Monday, Jan. 2, 2023 – Full Day: 56%
Employees are Paid for Day(s) Company is Closed: 54%
Employees are Not Paid for Day(s) Company is Closed: 3%
Respondent Comments:
Friday Dec. 30th, employees are let out early, most likely a couple of hours and are paid for that time.
If a holiday falls on a Saturday, we get Friday off. If the holiday is on a Sunday, we get that Monday off. So whichever day is closest to the holiday, we get off.
Sat 12/31 is not a scheduled workday for us, and people are not paid. We will celebrate the 1st on the Jan. 2nd.
Full time employees are paid. Employees that are required to work are paid double-time.
(4) Company Holiday Party/Outings
Do Not Have One: 29%
Party During Work Hours - At Company: 26%
Party During Work Hours- Off-Site: 11%
Party After Work- At Company: 3%
Party After Work - Off-Site: 21%
Respondent Comments:
Will send a gift to employees. Not planning an in-person event again this year due to COVID.
Starts in afternoon.
Will not have an outside party this year; may host at company party during work hours, 3-5pm.
Pre-COVID we had a catered lunch at during work hours (no alcohol). An off site bowling party after the holidays was the norm for a few years prior to COVID; since COVID, none of the above have occurred.
(5) Company Holiday Party – Attendees
Who Is Invited - Employees Only: 53%
Who is Invited - Employee and Guest: 18%
Respondent Comments:
Spouse or significant other is the guest.
If we had one, it would be employees only.
In prior years, employees and guest were allowed.
(6) Company Holiday Party - Controlling Alcohol
Alcohol is Not Allowed: 29%
Alcohol is Allowed and Company Does Not Limit Drinks: 17%
Outside Bar Service is Used: 21%
Company Provides Employees with Drink Tickets: 17%
Management Monitors/Controls on a Case-by-Case Basis: 17%
Company Provides Transportation to Employees Who May Have Overindulged: 13%
Respondent Comments:
Venue where holiday party is housed monitors for company the consumption of drinks (alcohol).
We host a luncheon annually which includes Alcohol, but the venue does not lend itself to overindulging.
If we had one, it would most likely be during work hours with no alcohol.
The party is during the lunch time. We expand the time to 2 hours for that day.
We don't have a holiday party.
Employee pays for their own drinks if they wish to and the company does not get involved with whether or not an employee decides to drink.